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Flouride Alert


Natural News

Natural Society




Denna delsida kommer att handla om fysisk hälsa och är under uppbyggnad. Uppdaterad Feb. 4, 2014


Artiklar av intresse

Natural flavonol compound in fruits and vegetables prevents Alzheimer's disease
(Feb. 4, 2014) Här
Se även;
Three ways fruits and vegetables kill cancer cells (Aug. 28, 2013) Här
Eating Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Prevents Brain Damage (Jan. 9, 2012) Här
Dietary flavonoid fisetin: a novel dual inhibitor of PI3K/Akt and mTOR for prostate cancer management. (2012) Här

Curcumin’s Anti-Inflammatory Properties Prevent Liver Damage, Liver Cirrhosis
(Feb. 1, 2014) Här
Se även;
Gurkmeja/Turmeric – den antiinflammatoriska curryväxten Här
Curcumin - What is Curcumin? Här
Curcumin Hälsoeffekter Här
Curcumin i gurkmeja kan förebygga och behandla fettlever Här
Anti-Inflammatory Power: Turmeric Extract Trumps Drugs for Rheumatoid Arthritis (Jan. 28, 2014) Här

Garlic Proven to Kill Brain Cancer Cells, Prevent Future Growth (Jan. 31, 2014) Här

Study: Low Vitamin D Leads to Depression, Chronic Pain (Jan. 28, 2014) Här

Wheaties innehåller metall fragment till den grad att man kan lyfta dem med magneter
Wheaties cereal found to contain so many metal fragments that they can be levitated with magnets Här
Lab.. test Här
Mer om frukostflingor och tungmetaller, Heavy Metals Test Results: Popular Breakfast Cereals Här

'Unequivocal' Cell Phones Cause Cancer (Jan.12, 2014) Här

EU To Ban Heirloom Seeds and Criminalize Unregistered Gardens (Jan 11, 2014) Här

Iodine Helps Prevent and even Treat Breast Cancers (Jan. 7, 2014) Här

A New Solution That Stops Snoring and Lets You Sleep (Jan 6, 2014) Här

Neanderthal Herb: Yarrow – Heals Wounds, Speeds Healing, Stops Pain (Jan. 3, 2014) Här
Även av intresse; Trolleri med rölleka Här

Germanium: Single Compound Kills 5 Types of Cancer, Often in Single Dose (Jan. 3, 2014) Här

Childhood cancer treatments cause permanent damage to children's hearts (Nov. 21, 2013) Här

Tomatoes prevent strokes, researchers say (June 07, 2013) Här
se även, stroke.org Här

Orsakar deodoranter bröstcancer? - Antiperspirants: Cause of Breast Cancer? (May 11, 2013) Här

Top 5 Things You Didn’t Know about Gluten!

Fertility Destroying Chemical Added To Tap, Milk, Salt (March 10, 2013) Här

Study shows bee venom can destroy HIV
(March 9, 2013) Här
"said their findings indicate nanoparticles loaded with melittin have the potential to be used against HIV infections that have resisted treatment via medication, since they can be injected into a patient’s body intravenously."
Notera att det handlar om nanopartiklar vilka i sin tur kan skada DNA, ge oreparerbara skador på inre organ men även leda till döden.

Award-winning journalist Christopher Bryson, Fluoride Deception Part 1 Här (1 av 6)

Aspartame - Deadly Neurotoxin

'Pfizer’s quit smoking drug raises heart risks by 72 percent: study
(2011) Här

Pinkwashing' reaches all-time high as symbol of commercialization, corruption of breast cancer industry
(Nov.2, 2012) Klicka Här

Shock study: Chemotherapy can backfire, make cancer worse by triggering tumor growth
. (Aug. 6, 2012) Här

Woops! Study Accidentally Finds Chemotherapy Makes Cancer Far Worse
(Nov. 18, 2012) Här

Aspartame Associated with Increased Risk of Blood Cancers in Long-Term Human Study
(Nov. 2012) Här

The Mushroom Being Used to Suppress Cancer Tumors (Feb 2, 2013) Här

Antidepressants for Pregnant Women: “Large Scale Human Experiment”
(Feb. 2, 2013) Här

Vitamin E Protects the Lungs from Deadly Diseases Like COPD
(Jan 31, 2013) Här

Government and Top University Studies: Fluoride Lowers IQ and Causes Other Health Problems
(Feb. 1, 2013)Här

Fetträdsla och statiner orsakar Alzheimer! Klicka Här

Obesity Surgery Can Lead To Memory Loss, Other Problems (March 13, 2007) Här


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