Forskning / Research 1978 - 2000
Klicka Här Psychopathy and electrodermal responses to nonsignal stimulation. By; Robert D. Hare. Biological Psychology, Volume 6, Issue 4, June 1978, Pages 237-246.
Klicka Här Psychopathy and laterality of cerebral function. By; Robert D. Hare. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Volume 88, Issue 6, December 1979, Pages 605-610.
Klicka Här Cognitive models of criminal violence based upon intelligence and psychopathy levels. By; Alfred B. Heilbrun. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Volume 50, Issue 4, August 1982, Pages 546-557.
Klicka Här Violent and Aggressive Behavior by Criminal Psychopaths By; R D Hare and L M McPherson. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Volume:7 Dated:(1984) Pages:35-50.
Klicka Här Performance of psychopaths on cognitive tasks related to frontal lobe function. By; Robert D. Hare. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Volume 93, Issue 2, May 1984, Pages 133-140.
Klicka Här Passive Avoidance in Syndromes of Disinhibition: Psychopathy and Extraversion. By; Joseph P. Newman, Cathy S. Widom, Stuart Nathan. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Volume 48, Issue 5, May 1985, Pages 1316-1327.
Klicka Här Effect of early environment on electrodermal and cognitive correlates of schizotypy and psychopathy in criminals. By; Adrian Raine. International Journal of Psychophysiology, Volume 4, Issue 4, January 1987, Pages 277-287.
Klicka Här Psychopathy and cerebral asymmetry in semantic processing. By, Robert D. Hare, Jeffrey W. Jutai. Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 9, Issue 2, 1988, Pages 329-337.
Klicka Här Unrequited love and the wish to kill. Diagnosis and treatment of borderline erotomania. Av; JR Meloy. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic , 1989 Nov;53(6):477-92..
Klicka Här The long-term effects of exposure to low doses of lead in childhood. An 11-year follow-up report. By; HL Needleman, A Schell, D Bellinger, A Leviton, and EN Allred. The New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 322:83-88 January 11, 1990 Number 2.
Klicka Här Psychopathy and the DSM—IV Criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder By; Robert D. Hare, Stephen D. Hart and Timothy J. Harpur. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, August 1991 Vol. 100, No. 3, 391-398.
Klicka Här A Psychotic (Sexual) Psychopath: "I just had a violent thought" By; J. Reid Meloy; Carl B. Gacono. Journal of Personality Assessment, Volume 58, Issue 3, 1992, Pages 480 – 493.
Klicka Här Emotion in the criminal psychopath: Startle reflex modulation. By Patrick, Christopher J.; Bradley, Margaret M.; Lang, Peter J.Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1993 Feb Vol 102(1) 82-92.
Klicka Här A Borderline Psychopath: "I was basically maladjusted" By; J. Reid Meloy; Carl B. Gacono. Journal of Personality Assessment, Volume 61, Issue 2, 1993, Pages 358 – 373.
Klicka Här The language of the psychopath By; R. W. Rieber and Harold Vetter. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, Volume 23, Number 1 / January, 1994, Pages 1-28.
Klicka Här Psychopathy and Deviant Sexual Arousal in Incarcerated Sexual Offenders By; Ralph C. Serin P. Bruce Malcolm Arunima Khanna Howard E Barbaree. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 9, No. 1, 3-11 (1994)
Klicka Här Reduced Brain Metabolism in Hyperactive Girls. By; Monique Ernst et al Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 33, Issue 6, July-August 1994, Pages 858-868.
Klicka Här Emotion in the criminal psychopath: Fear image processing. By Patrick, Christopher J.; Cuthbert, Bruce N.; Lang, Peter J. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1994 Aug Vol 103(3) 523-534.
Klicka Här The dark side of normal: A psychopathy-linked pattern called aberrant self-promotion By; Sigrid B. Gustafson and Darren R. Ritzer. European Journal of Personality, Volume 9, Issue 3 , Pages 147 - 183, 15 March 1995.
Klicka Här (Article) Psychopathic Sexual Sadists By; Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S. LAW and Order, Vol. 43, No. 4, April 1995.
Klicka Här The Toronto Alexithymia Scale with incarcerated offenders. By; Daryl G. Kroner and Adelle E. Forth. Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 19, Issue 5, November 1995, Pages 625-634.
Klicka Här Distinctive Brains of Psychopaths By; PAUL KAIHLA with CHRIS WOOD, Maclean's Magazine, January 22, 1996.
Klicka Här Personality profiles of women who report and who do not report physical assault or sexual harassment: Comparisons with traumatic brain injury Av; M. A. Persinger, PhD och Stephanie Dubois, Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, Volume : 24, Issue: 1, Page(s): 87-94.February 1996.
Klicka Här Failure to Respond Autonomically to Anticipated Future Outcomes Following Damage to Prefrontal Cortex. By; Antoine Bechara, Daniel Tranel, Hanna Damasio, and Antonio R. Damasio. Cereb Cortex, March 1996; 6: 215 - 225.
Klicka Här The emptied soul: The psychopath in everyone's life, a discussion between Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig and James Hillman By; Bobbie Yow. Psychological Perspectives, Volume 33, Issue 1 Spring 1996 , pages 149 - 154.
Klicka Här Theory of Mind in the psychopath By; James Blair, Carol Sellars, Ian Strickland, Fiona Clark, Akintude Williams, Margaret Smith and Lawrence Jones. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, Volume 7, Issue 1 May 1996 , pages 15 - 25.
Klicka Här Autonomic Nervous System Factors Underlying Disinhibited, Antisocial, and Violent Behavior Biosocial Perspectives and Treatment Implications By; Adrian Raine Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Volume 794 Understanding Aggressive Behavior in Children Page 46-59, September 1996.
Klicka Här Review: Reconsidering the Low-Fear Explanation for Primary Psychopathy By; Joseph P. Newman and Chad A. Brinkley. Psychological Inquiry 1997, Vol. 8, No. 3, 236-260.
Klicka Här Diagnos av psykopati, 1997-09-07. Gunilla Stålenheim har "funnit att psykopater bland annat har höga halter av sköldkörtel-hormonet T 3 – personer som begått upprepade våldsbrott hade betydligt högre halter än övriga." Se även;
Klicka Här Psychopathy and biological markers in a forensic psychiatric population. Av; Gunilla Stålenheim, Uppsala universitet.
Klicka Här Speech patterns offer window into psychiatric disorders Av; Chris Woolston.
Klicka Här Psychophysiology of anger and violent behavior Av; Angela Scarpa, PhD., och Adrian Raine, Dphil. "This does not preclude the important role of environmental factors but rather is set forth to highlight an area in a body of literature that suggests biologic influences on violent behavior Aggression ur ett biologiskt perspektiv." (1997)
Klicka Här Genetic influences in antisocial personality and drug use disorders By; Marianne B. M. van den Breea, Dace S. Svikis and Roy W. Pickens. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Volume 49, Issue 3, 1 February 1998, Pages 177-187.
Klicka Här Psychopathy and recidivism: A review. By; James F. Hemphill, Robert D. Hare and Stephen Wong. Legal and Criminological Psychology, Volume 3, Issue 1, February 1998, Pages: 139–170.
Klicka Här Psychopathy and Alexithymia in female offenders By; Louth, SM, Hare, RD, Linden, W. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, Apr 1998.
Klicka Här Serum levels of thyroid hormones as biological markers in a Swedish forensic psychiatric population. By; E.G. Stålenheim, L. Von Knorring and L. Wide. Biological psychiatry, 1998, vol. 43, no10, pp. 755-761." In a Swedish study, delinquent boys had high serum levels of triiodothyronine (T3). Furthermore, former delinquents, followed up after about 30 years, had T3 levels significantly related to repeated criminality."
Klicka Här Acoustic Distinctions in the Speech of Male Psychopaths By; Shirley M. Louth, Sherrie Williamson, Murray Alpert, Enrique R. Pouget and Robert D. Hare. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, Volume 27, Number 3 / May, 1998, Pages 375-384. "Results indicated that psychopaths spoke more quietly than controls and did not differentiate, in voice emphasis, between neutral and affective words."
Klicka Här Association and Linkage of the Dopamine Transporter Gene and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children: Heterogeneity owing to Diagnostic Subtype and Severity Av; I.D. Waldman, D.C. Rowe, A. Abramowitz, S.T. Kozel, J.H. Mohr, S.L. Sherman, H.H. Cleveland, M.L. Sanders, J.M.C. Gard, C. Stever. The American Journal of Human Genetics, Volume 63, Issue 6, 1767-1776, 1 December 1998.
Klicka Här Psychopathy: Theory, Research and Implications for Society By David J. Cooke, Adelle E. Forth, Robert D. Hare - 1998 - Psychology - 428 pages
Klicka Här Sadism and psychopathy in violent and sexually violent offenders Av, SE Holt, Meloy JR, and S Strack . Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 27:1:23-32 (1999)
Klicka Här Psychopathy, Treatment Behavior, and Sex Offender Recidivism. By; M.C. Seto and H.E. Barbaree. J Interpers Violence, December 1999 vol. 14 no. 12 1235-1248. "Further exploration revealed that men who scored higher in psychopathy and better in treatment behavior were the most likely to reoffend."
Klicka Här Impairment of social and moral behavior related to early damage in human prefrontal cortex. By; Steven W. Anderson, Antoine Bechara, Hanna Damasio, Daniel Tranel & Antonio R. Damasio. Nature Neuroscience 2, 1032 - 1037 (1999)
Klicka Här Psychopathy as a Risk Factor for Violence Av; Robert D. Hare. Psychiatric Quarterly , Volume 70, Number 3 / March, 1999.
Klicka Här Psychopathy, Treatment Behavior, and Sex Offender Recidivism By; Michael C. Seto and Howard E. Barbaree. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 14, No. 12, 1235-1248 (1999) "Further exploration revealed that men who scored higher in psychopathy and better in treatment behavior were the most likely to reoffend."
Klicka Här Bullying, depression, and suicidal ideation in Finnish adolescents: school survey . Older study (1999) but still of interest as one can see the ties to antisocial personality disorder and depression and the emotional stress put on a "victim" by bullying. (Done by blaming the "victim"). In short; the "bully" tries to "escape" his/her own source of depression by "attacking" and placing it on the "victim". See, projection projisering
Klicka Här T3 levels: marker for persistent criminality? Crime Times, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1999 Page 3&6.
Klicka Här Antisocial Personality Disorder, Alcohol, and Aggression Av; F. Gerard Moeller, M.D., and Donald M. Dougherty, Ph.D. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)
Klicka Här Parental Sociopathy as a Predictor of Childhood Sexual Abuse Av; Azmaira Hamid Maker, Markus Kemmelmeier och Christopher Peterson Department of Psychology, University of Michigan . Publicerad i, Journal of Family Violence, Vol. 14, Number 1/ March 1999. Intressant artikel som ser på relationen mellan föräldrar som är sociopater och deras benägenhet att sexuellt utnyttja barn. ( OBS! går inte att länka direkt till artikeln så för att se en sammanfattning eller den i helhet, kopiera titeln och klistra in i sök fältet)
Klicka Här Psychopathy (PCL-R) Predicts Violent Recidivism among Criminal Offenders with Personality Disorders in Sweden. Av; Martin Grann, Niklas Långstrom, Anders Tengström och Gunnar Kullgren. Law and Human Behavior Vol. 23, No. 2 (Apr., 1999), pp. 205-217.
Klicka Här Bullying behavior may be genetic, a study in twins finds Av; B. Azar. APA Monitor, Online Volume 30 , Number, 5 May, 1999.
Klicka Här Psychopathy and Violent Behavior Among Patients With Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder. By Karen A. Nolan, Ph.D., Jan Volavka, M.D., Ph.D., Pavel Mohr, M.D. and Pál Czobor, Ph.D. Psychiatr Serv 50:787-792, June 1999.
Klicka Här Empirical clusters of DSM-III personality disorders in violent offenders. Av; Blackburn R., Coid JW. Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Liverpool, UK . Journal Personal Disorders,1999. I denna studie tittade man på sambandet mellan våld och följande störningar, antisocial-narcissistisk, paranoid-antisocial, borderline-antisocial-passiv-aggresiv, borderline, compulsive (som drivs av ett tvång)-borderline och schizotyp. (Man intervjuade våldsamma män som hamnat i fängelse med ovan nämnda personlighetsstörningar)
Klicka Här Neural pathways involved in the processing of concrete and abstract words. By; Kent A. Kiehl, Peter F. Liddle, Andra M. Smith, Adrianna Mendrek, Bruce B. Forster and, Robert D. Hare. Human Brain Mapping, Volume 7, Issue 4, Date: 1999, Pages: 225-233.
Klicka Här Semantic and affective processing in psychopaths: An event-related potential (ERP) study By; Kent A. Kiehl, Robert D. Hare, John J. McDonald and Johann Brink, Psychophysiology (1999), 36: 765-774 Cambridge University Press.*
Klicka Här On the neurology of morals. By; Raymond J. Dolan. Nature, Neuroscience 2, 927 - 929 (1999)
Klicka Här Neurobiology of moral behavior. (Nov., 1999)
Klicka Här Sadism and psychopathy in violent and sexually violent offenders. Av; Holt SE, Meloy JR och Strack S. California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego , USA . The journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law , 1999;27(1):23-32. I studien fick man mer bevis på att sadistiska drag och psykopati går hand i hand.***
Klicka Här “Yet there’s method in his madness …”: Dimensions of deception and dangerousness. By, Michaela C. Heinze. Aggression and Violent Behavior, Volume 4, Issue 4, Winter 1999, Pages 387-412. ***
Klicka Här The nature and dynamics of sexual homicide An integrative review Av; J. Reid Meloy. Aggression and Violent Behavior, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2 January 2000, Pages 1-22.
Klicka Här Psychopathy (PCL-R) as a Predictor of Violent Recidivism Among Criminal Offenders with Schizophrenia Av; Anders Tengström, Martin Grann, Niklas Långström and Gunnar Kullgren. Law and Human Behavior, Volume 24, Number 1 / February, 2000, pp. 45-58.
Klicka Här Profiles of Psychopathy in Incarcerated Sexual Offenders Studie av; Stephen Porter, David Fairweather, Jeff Drugge, Hugues Hervé, Angela Birt och Douglas P. Boer. Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol. 27, No. 2, 216-233 (2000) I denna studie tittade man närmre på olika typer av sexualförbrytare som satt inspärrade och kom man fram till att en hög andel (64%) som hade gett sig på både barn och vuxna var psykopater. Dessa s.k. sexuella psykopater kännetecknas bl.a. av att vara spänningsökande.
Klicka Här Bullied to Death Av; Jolynn V. Carney, School Psychology International, Vol. 21, No. 2, 213-223 (2000)
Klicka Här The Relationship of Deviant Sexual Arousal and Psychopathy in Incest Offenders, Extrafamilial Child Molesters and Rapists. By; Philip Firestone, Ph.D., John M. Bradford, M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.P.C., David M. Greenberg, M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.P.C. & Geris A. Serran, B.A. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, (2000) 28,303-308.
Klicka Här Size Of Brain Linked To Violence, ScienceDaily (Feb. 3, 2000)
Klicka Här Relationships between antisocial personality and alcoholism: genetic hypotheses. By; F. Limosin, J. Adès and P. Gorwood. European Psychiatry, 2000 Mar;15(2):123-8.
Klicka Här A volumetric MRI study of the hippocampus in type 1 and 2 alcoholism Av; M. P. Laakso, O. Vaurio, L. Savolainen, E. Repo, H. Soininen, H. J. Aronen and J. Tiihonen. Behavioural Brain Research, Volume 109, Issue 2, May 2000, Pages 177-186. "In this study, MRI was used to measure volumes of the hippocampus in late-onset type 1 alcoholics and early-onset type 2 alcoholics. The type 2 alcoholic subjects were also violent offenders with antisocial personality disorder, derived from a forensic psychiatric sample."
Klicka Här Law and the confinement of psychopaths Av; W. Lawrence Fitch, J.D , Richard James Ortega, Ph.D Behavioral Sciences & the Law, Volume 18, Issue 5 , Pages 663 - 678 (2000)
Se även; Klicka Här
Klicka Här Risk for Criminal Recidivism Among Young Sex Offenders Av; Niklas Långström och Martin Grann. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 15, No. 8, 855-871 (2000)
Klicka Här The psychopath as observer: Emotion and attention in picture processing. By Levenston, Gary K.; Patrick, Christopher J.; Bradley, Margaret M.; Lang, Peter J. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 2000 Aug Vol 109(3) 373-385.
Klicka Här Comorbid psychiatric diagnosis and long-term drinking outcome Av; Edward E. Hunter, Barbara J. Powell, Elizabeth C. Penick, E. Jeanne Nickel, Barry I. Liskow, Peggy J. Cantrell and Jennifer F. Landon. Comprehensive Psychiatry, Volume 41, Issue 5, September 2000, Pages 334-338. "The study showed that antisocial personality characteristics alone were consistently associated with a worse long-term drinking outcome."
Klicka Här Left-Hemisphere Activation and Deficient Response Modulation in Psychopaths By; Amit Bernstein, Joseph P. Newman, John F. Wallace and Karen E. Luh. Psychological Science, Volume 11 Issue 5 Page 414-418, September 2000.
Klicka Här Treatment of antisocial personality, psychopathy, and other characterologic antisocial syndromes. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, Volume 18, Issue 5, Date: October 2000, Pages: 647-662. Studie av; William H. Reid, M.D., M.P.H. och Carl Gacono, Ph.D. Det ser inte särskilt ljust ut för att kunna "bota" individer med en antisocial personlighetsstörning och det kan även vara mycket farligt för dem som arbetar med dessa "patienter".
Klicka Här Psychopathy and the predictive validity of the PCL-R: an international perspective. Av; Robert D. Hare, Danny Clark, Martin Grann och David Thornton. Behavioral Sciences & the Law , Volume 18, Issue 5, Date: October 2000, Pages: 623-645. "There is some evidence that some treatment. programs actually may make psychopathic offenders worse ..."
Klicka Här Handedness patterns may point to brain differences psychopaths, pedophiles. Av; A. R. Mayer and D. S. Kosson, Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology, Vol. 13, No. 4, October 2000, pp. 233-238.
Klicka Här Biosocial aspects of domestic violence. By; Hosanna Soler, Preeti Vinayak and David Quadagno.
Psychoneuroendocrinology, Volume 25, Issue 7, October 2000, Pages 721-739.
Klicka Här Reduced prefrontal gray matter volume and reduced autonomic activity in antisocial personality disorder. By; Raine A, Lencz T, Bihrle S, LaCasse L, Colletti P. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2000 Feb;57(2):119-27; discussion 128-9.Mer; Klicka Här
Klicka Här A STUDY OF TRAINING IN VOLUNTARY CONTROL OF URINATION IN A GROUP OF PROBLEM CHILDREN. By; Mabel Huschka M.D. "accurate history of toilet training because the child. was accompanied by some one other than a ...... teristic of the child with the psychopathic person- ... " (1930-41)
Klicka Här A Note on Moral Insanity and Psychopathic Disorders By; F. A. WHITLOCK, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Queensland, Australia. (1982)pdf.
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