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Evenemang 2008 Events - 2008
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Forskning - Barn och Ungdomar/Research children and youth
Klicka Här A latent class factor approach to identifying subtypes of juvenile diversion youths based on psychopathic features. By; Jennifer Wareham, Richard Dembo, Norman G. Poythress, Kristina Childs, James Schmeidler. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, Volume 27 Issue 1, Pages 71 - 95. Jan 2009.
Klicka Här Early and late components of error monitoring in violent offenders with psychopathy. By; IA. Brazil et.al Biol Psychiatry. 2009 Jan 15;65(2):137-43.
Klicka Här Age-related grey matter volume correlates of response inhibition and shifting in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. By; Grainne M. McAlonan, Vinci Cheung, Siew E. Chua, Jaap Oosterlaan, Se-fong Hung, Chun-pan Tang, Chi-chiu Lee, Shi-leung Kwong, Ting-pong Ho, Charlton Cheung, John Suckling, and Patrick W. L. Leung. Br J Psychiatry, 194: 123-129. January 2009.
Klicka Här The future of genetics in psychology and psychiatry: microarrays, genome-wide association, and non-coding RNA. By; Plomin R, Davis OS. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2009 Jan;50(1-2):63-71.
Klicka Här Self-harm in adolescents: self-report survey in schools in Scotland. By; Rory C. O’Connor, Susan Rasmussen, Jeremy Miles, and Keith Hawton. Br J Psychiatry, 194: 68-72. January 2009.
Klicka Här Activity-Dependent Transcription and Disorders of Human Cognition. By; Paul L. Greer, Ph.D., Janine Zieg, Ph.D., and Michael E. Greenberg, Ph.D. Am J Psychiatry, 166:14-15, January 2009. Related Michael Greenberg, PhD Här
Related; From Synapse to Nucleus: Calcium-Dependent Gene Transcription in the Control of Synapse Development and Function.. By; P. Greer and M. Greenberg. Neuron, Volume 59, Issue 6, Pages 846-860. Här
Klicka Här Psychopathy traits in adolescents with childhood attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. By; Tom Fowler, Kate Langley, Frances Rice, Naureen Whittinger, Kenny Ross, Stephanie van Goozen, Michael J. Owen, Michael C. O’Donovan, Marianne B. M. van den Bree, and Anita Thapar. Br J Psychiatry, 194: 62-67. January 2009.
Klicka Här Molecular genetic contribution to the developmental course of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. By; Kate Langley et.al. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 18, Number 1, January, 2009, Pages: 26-32.
Klicka Här Basal Ganglia Volume and Shape in Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. By; Anqi Qiu, Deana Crocetti, Marcy Adler, E. Mark Mahone, Martha B. Denckla, Michael I. Miller, and Stewart H. Mostofsky. Am J Psychiatry 2009 166: 74-82. (January)
Klicka Här Disorder-Specific Dissociation of Orbitofrontal Dysfunction in Boys With Pure Conduct Disorder During Reward and Ventrolateral Prefrontal Dysfunction in Boys With Pure ADHD During Sustained Attention. By; Katya Rubia, Anna B. Smith, Rozmin Halari, Fumie Matsukura, Majeed Mohammad, Eric Taylor, and Michael J. Brammer. Am J Psychiatry, 2009 166: 83-94. (January)
Klicka Här A latent class factor approach to identifying subtypes of juvenile diversion youths based on psychopathic features. By; Jennifer Wareham, Richard Dembo, Norman G. Poythress, Kristina Childs, James Schmeidler. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, p. 71-95, Jan 20 2009.
Klicka Här Disorder-Specific Dissociation of Orbitofrontal Dysfunction in Boys With Pure Conduct Disorder During Reward and Ventrolateral Prefrontal Dysfunction in Boys With Pure ADHD During Sustained Attention. By; K. Rubia, A. B. Smith, R. Halari, F. Matsukura, M. Mohammad, E. Taylor, and M. J. Brammer. Am J Psychiatry, January 1, 2009; 166(1): 83 - 94.
Klicka Här Childhood and Adolescent Animal Cruelty Methods and Their Possible Link to Adult Violent Crimes. By; Christopher Hensley and Suzanne E. Tallichet. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 24, No. 1, 147-158 (Jan. 2009)
Klicka Här Perspectives on oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and psychopathic features. By; Loeber R, Burke J, Pardini DA. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2009 Jan;50(1-2):133-42.
Klicka Här Amygdala Hypoactivity to Fearful Faces in Boys With Conduct Problems and Callous-Unemotional Traits. By; Alice P. Jones, Kristin R. Laurens, Catherine M. Herba, Gareth J. Barker, and Essi Viding. Am J Psychiatry 2009 166: 95-102. (January) *
Klicka Här Shared and disorder-specific prefrontal abnormalities in boys with pure attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder compared to boys with pure CD during interference inhibition and attention allocation. By; Rubia K, Halari R, Smith AB, Mohammad M, Scott S, Brammer MJ. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2009 Jan 5.
Klicka Här Preterm birth or foetal growth impairment and psychiatric hospitalization in adolescence and early adulthood in a Swedish population-based birth cohort. By; Monfils Gustafsson W, Josefsson A, Ekholm Selling K, Sydsjö G. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, Jan., 2009 Vol. 119, No 1 pages 54-61.
Klicka Här Empathy and Social Perspective Taking in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. By; Imola Marton, Judith Wiener, Maria Rogers, Chris Moore and Rosemary Tannock. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 1 / January, 2009, pages, 107-118.
Klicka Här Are Oppositional-Defiant and Hyperactive–Inattentive Symptoms Developmental Precursors to Conduct Problems in Late Childhood?: Genetic and Environmental Links. By; Benjamin B. Lahey, Carol A. Van Hulle, Paul J. Rathouz, Joseph Lee Rodgers, Brian M. D’Onofrio and Irwin D. Waldman. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 1 / January, 2009, pages, 45-58.
Klicka Här Five-year predictive validity of DSM-IV conduct disorder research diagnosis in 4(1/2)-5-year-old children. By; Kim-Cohen J, Arseneault L, Newcombe R, Adams F, Bolton H, Cant L, Delgado K, Freeman J, Golaszewski A, Kelesidi K, Matthews C, Mountain N, Oxley D, Watson S, Werts H, Caspi A, Moffitt TE. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2009 Jan 22.
Klicka Här Childhood IQ and adult mental disorders: a test of the cognitive reserve hypothesis. By; Koenen KC, Moffitt TE, Roberts AL, Martin LT, Kubzansky L, Harrington H, Poulton R, Caspi A. Am J Psychiatry. 2009 Jan;166(1):50-7.
Klicka Här Developing ADHD. By; Eric Taylor. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 1-2, Pages 126 - 132. (Jan.)
Klicka Här Basal Ganglia Volume and Shape in Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. By; A. Qiu, D. Crocetti, M. Adler, E. M. Mahone, M. B. Denckla, M. I. Miller, and S. H. Mostofsky. Am J Psychiatry, January 1, 2009; 166(1): 74 - 82.
Klicka Här Perspectives on oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and psychopathic features. By; Rolf Loeber, Jeffrey Burke, Dustin A. Pardini. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 1-2, Pages 133 - 142. (Jan.)
Klicka Här An Item Response Theory Analysis of DSM-IV Conduct Disorder. By; Heather Gelhorn et. al. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry:January 2009 - Volume 48 - Issue 1 - pp 42-50.
Klicka Här Community intervention and public policy in the prevention of antisocial behavior. By; Kenneth A. Dodge. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 1-2, Pages 194 - 200. (Jan.)
Klicka Här Childhood Problem Behaviors and Death by Midlife: The British National Child Development Study. By; JOKELA, MARKUS Ph.D.; FERRIE, JANE Ph.D.; KIVIMÄKI, MIKA Ph.D. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: January 2009 - Volume 48 - Issue 1 - pp 19-24.
Klicka Här Psychopathic traits and suicidal ideation in high-school students. By; Chabrol, H; Saint-Martin, C. Archives of Suicide Research, 2009 Vol 13 No 1 pages 64-73.
Klicka Här Atypical empathic responses in adolescents with aggressive conduct disorder: A functional MRI investigation. By; Jean Decety, Kalina J. Michalska, Yuko Akitsuki, Benjamin B. Lahey. Biological Psychology, Volume 80, Issue 2, February 2009, Pages 203-211.
Klicka Här A Common Genetic Factor Explains the Covariation Among ADHD ODD and CD Symptoms in 9–10 Year Old Boys and Girls. By; Catherine Tuvblad, Mo Zheng, Adrian Raine and Laura A. Baker. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 2 / February, 2009, pages, 153-167.
Klicka Här Autism symptoms in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Familial trait which Correlates with Conduct, Oppositional Defiant, Language and Motor Disorders. By; Aisling Mulligan, Richard J. L. Anney, Myra O’Regan, Wai Chen, Louise Butler, Michael Fitzgerald, Jan Buitelaar, Hans-Christoph Steinhausen, Aribert Rothenberger, Ruud Minderaa, Judith Nijmeijer, Pieter J. Hoekstra, Robert D. Oades, Herbert Roeyers, Cathelijne Buschgens, Hanna Christiansen, Barbara Franke, Isabel Gabriels, Catharina Hartman, Jonna Kuntsi, Rafaela Marco, Sheera Meidad, Ueli Mueller, Lamprini Psychogiou, Nanda Rommelse, Margaret Thompson, Henrik Uebel, Tobias Banaschewski, Richard Ebstein, Jacques Eisenberg, Iris Manor, Ana Miranda, Fernando Mulas, Joseph Sergeant, Edmund Sonuga-Barke, Phil Asherson, Stephen V. Faraone and Michael Gill. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Volume 39, Number 2 / February, 2009, Pages 197-209. "Thus autism symptoms in ADHD represent a familial trait associated with increased neurodevelopmental and oppositional/conduct disorders."
Klicka Här Childhood maltreatment and adult personality disorder symptoms: Influence of maltreatment type. By; Barbara Schneider, Kairi Kõlves, Maria Blettner, Tilman Wetterling, Axel Schnabel, Airi Värnik. Psychiatry Research, Volume 165, Issue 3, Pages 281-287. (28 February 2009)
Klicka Här Examining relations between psychopathology and psychopathy dimensions among adolescent female and male offenders. By; Kathrin Sevecke, Gerd Lehmkuhl and Maya K. Krischer. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 18, Number 2 / February, 2009, Pages 85-95.
Klicka Här Heritability of daytime cortisol levels and cortisol reactivity in children. By; Steptoe A, van Jaarsveld CH, Semmler C, Plomin R, Wardle J. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2009 Feb;34(2):273-80.
Klicka Här Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder comorbid oppositional defiant disorder and its predominately inattentive type: evidence for an association with COMT but not MAOA in a Chinese sample. By; Qian QJ, Liu J, Wang YF, Yang L, Guan LL, Faraone SV. Behav Brain Funct. 2009 Feb 19;5(1):8.
Klicka Här Behavioral disinhibition: liability for externalizing spectrum disorders and its genetic and environmental relation to response inhibition across adolescence. By; Young SE, Friedman NP, Miyake A, Willcutt EG, Corley RP, Haberstick BC, Hewitt JK. J Abnorm Psychol. 2009 Feb;118(1):117-30.
Klicka Här Community vs. Clinic-Based Modular Treatment of Children with Early-Onset ODD or CD: A Clinical Trial with 3-Year Follow-Up. By; Kolko DJ, Dorn LD, Bukstein OG, Pardini D, Holden EA, Hart J. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2009 Feb 17.
Klicka Här Differentiating impulsive and premeditated aggression: self and informant perspectives among adolescents with personality pathology. By; Gauthier KJ, Furr RM, Mathias CW, Marsh-Richard DM, Dougherty DM. J Pers Disord. 2009 Feb;23(1):76-84.
Klicka Här Neurological Correlates of Reward Responding in Adolescents With and Without Externalizing Behavior Disorders. By; Lisa M. Gatzke-Kopp, Theodore P. Beauchaine, Katherine E. Shannon, Jane Chipman, Andrew P. Fleming, Sheila E. Crowell, Olivia Liang, L. Clark Johnson, Elizabeth Aylward. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 118, Issue 1,Pages 203-213. (Feb., 2009)
Klicka Här Amygdala hypoactivity to fearful faces in boys with conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits. By; Jones AP, Laurens KR, Herba CM, Barker GJ, Viding E. Am J Psychiatry. 2009 Jan;166(1):95-102.
Klicka Här Mechanisms Underlying the Comorbidity Between Depressive and Addictive Disorders in Adolescents: Interactions Between Stress and HPA Activity. By; Uma Rao, Constance L. Hammen, and Russell E. Poland. Am J Psychiatry, Feb. 2009 166: 361-369.
Klicka Här From a genetic predisposition to an interactive predisposition: rethinking the ethical implications of screening for gene-environment interactions. By; Tabery J. J Med Philos. 2009 Feb;34(1):27-48.
Klicka Här Contribution of dissociative symptoms to antisocial behavior in a sample of high-school students. By; Chabrol H, Saint-Martin C, Sejourné N, Moyano O. Encephale. 2009 Feb;35(1):52-6.
Klicka Här A qualitative study exploring the life-course experiences of young offenders with symptoms and signs of ADHD who were detained in a residential care setting. By; Susan Young, Simon Chesney, David Sperlinger, Peter Misch, Philip Collins. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, Volume 19 Issue 1, Pages 54 - 63. (Feb. 2009)
Klicka Här Behavioral Disinhibition: Liability for Externalizing Spectrum Disorders and Its Genetic and Environmental Relation to Response Inhibition Across Adolescence. By; Susan E. Young, Naomi P. Friedman, Akira Miyake, Erik G. Willcutt, Robin P. Corley, Brett C. Haberstick, John K. Hewitt. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Volume 118, Issue 1, February 2009, Pages 117-130.
Klicka Här Long-term behavioural outcomes of pre-school mild traumatic brain injury. By; McKinlay A, Grace RC, Horwood LJ, Fergusson DM, Macfarlane MR. Child Care Health Dev. 2009 Feb 12.
Klicka Här Reduced cognitive ability in alcohol dependence: examining the role of covarying externalizing psychopathology. By; Finn PR, Rickert ME, Miller MA, Lucas J, Bogg T, Bobova L, Cantrell H. J Abnorm Psychol. 2009 Feb;118(1):100-16.
Klicka Här Parenting Practices and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: New Findings Suggest Partial Specificity of Effects. By; ELLIS, BRANDI; NIGG, JOEL. Journal of Amer Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 48(2):146-154, February 2009.
Klicka Här Monoamine oxidase A gene (MAOA) predicts behavioral aggression following provocation. By; R. McDermott, D. Tingley, J. Cowden, G. Frazzetto, and D. D. P. Johnson. PNAS February 17, 2009 106: 2118-2123.
Klicka Här Subcortical Differences among Youths with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Compared to Those with Bipolar Disorder With and Without Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. By; Melissa Lopez-Larson et.al. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology. February 2009, 19(1): 31-39.
Klicka Här Total red blood cell concentrations of ω-3 fatty acids are associated with emotion-elicited neural activity in adolescent boys with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. By; Rachel V. Gow, Toshiko Matsudaira, Eric Taylor, Katya Rubia, Michael Crawford, Kebreab Ghebremeskel, Almira Ibrahimovic, Frédéric Vallée-Tourangeau, Leanne M. Williams, Alexander Sumich. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, Volume 80, Issues 2-3, February-March 2009, Pages 151-156.
Klicka Här Early parental depression and child language development. By; James F. Paulson, Heather A. Keefe, Jenn A. Leiferman. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 3, Pages 254 - 262. (March 2009)
Klicka Här Maternal stress and depression and the lateralisation of infant cradling. By; Nadja Reissland, Brian Hopkins, Peter Helms, Bob Williams. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 3, Pages 263 - 269. (March 2009)
Klicka Här Comparison of symptomatic versus functional changes in children and adolescents with ADHD during randomized, double-blind treatment with psychostimulants, atomoxetine, or placebo. Jan K. Buitelaar, Timothy E. Wilens, Shuyu Zhang, Yu Ning, Peter D. Feldman. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 3, Pages 335 - 342. (March 2009)
Klicka Här Familial risk analysis of the association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and psychoactive substance use disorder in female adolescents: a controlled study. By; Joseph Biederman, Carter R. Petty, Michael C. Monuteaux, Eric Mick, Allison Clarke, Kristina Ten Haagen, Stephen V. Faraone. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 3, Pages 352 - 358. (March 2009)
Klicka Här The influence of family structure, the TPH2 G-703T and the 5-HTTLPR serotonergic genes upon affective problems in children aged 10–14 years. By; Maria Nobile, Marianna Rusconi, Monica Bellina, Cecilia Marino, Roberto Giorda, Ombretta Carlet, Laura Vanzin, Massimo Molteni, Marco Battaglia. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 3, Pages 317 - 325. (March 2009)
Klicka Här Basal Ganglia Volume and Shape in Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. By; Anqi Qiu, Ph.D., Deana Crocetti, B.S., Marcy Adler, B.A., E. Mark Mahone, Ph.D., Martha B. Denckla, M.D., Michael I. Miller, Ph.D., and Stewart H. Mostofsky, M.D. Am J Psychiatry, 2009; 166:74-82.
Klicka Här Contribution of dissociative symptoms to antisocial behavior in a sample of high-school students. By; Chabrol H, Saint-Martin C, Sejourné N, Moyano O. Encephale. 2009 Feb;35(1):52-6. Epub 2008 Apr 2. French.
Klicka Här Comparative study of children with ADHD only, autism spectrum disorder + ADHD, and chronic multiple tic disorder + ADHD. By; Gadow KD, Devincent CJ, Schneider J. J Atten Disord. 2009 Mar;12(5):474-85.
Klicka Här The Role of Harsh Discipline in Explaining Sex Differences in Conduct Disorder: a Study of Opposite-Sex Twin Pairs. By; Meier MH, Slutske WS, Heath AC, Martin NG. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2009 Mar 11.
Klicka Här Interaction of prenatal exposure to cigarettes and MAOA genotype in pathways to youth antisocial behavior. By; Wakschlag LS, Kistner EO, Pine DS, Biesecker G, Pickett KE, Skol AD, Dukic V, Blair RJ, Leventhal BL, Cox NJ, Burns JL, Kasza KE, Wright RJ, Cook EH Jr. Mol Psychiatry. 2009 Mar 3.
Klicka Här Childhood ADHD and conduct disorder as independent predictors of male alcohol dependence at age 40. By; Knop J, Penick EC, Nickel EJ, Mortensen EL, Sullivan MA, Murtaza S, Jensen P, Manzardo AM, Gabrielli WF. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2009 Mar;70(2):169-77.
Klicka Här Childhood Bullying Behaviors as a Risk for Suicide Attempts and Completed Suicides: A Population-Based Birth Cohort Study. By; KLOMEK, ANAT BRUNSTEIN Ph.D. et.al. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry:March 2009 - Volume 48 - Issue 3 - pp 254-261.
Klicka Här Predictors of illicit substance dependence among individuals with alcohol dependence. By; Sintov ND, Kendler KS, Walsh D, Patterson DG, Prescott CA. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2009 Mar;70(2):269-78.
Klicka Här Cortisol awakening response in healthy children and children with ADHD: Impact of comorbid disorders and psychosocial risk factors. By; Freitag CM, Hänig S, Palmason H, Meyer J, Wüst S, Seitz C. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2009 Mar 9.
Klicka Här Editorial: Mood irritability – do we need to refine the diagnostic validity of oppositional defiant disorder and paediatric bipolar disorder? By; Tobias Banaschewski. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 3 (March 2009) p 201-202.
Klicka Här Three dimensions of oppositionality in youth. By; Argyris Stringaris and Robert Goodman. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 3 (March 2009) p 216-223.
Klicka Här Behavioural and cognitive phenotypes in idiopathic autism versus autism associated with fragile X syndrome. By; Cheryl Dissanayake, Quang Bui, Danuta Bulhak-Paterson, Richard Huggins, Danuta Z. Loesch. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 3 (March 2009) p 290-299.
Klicka Här Reduced activation in lateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate during attention and cognitive control functions in medication-naïve adolescents with depression compared to controls. By; Rozmin Halari, Mima Simic, Carmine M. Pariante, Andrew Papadopoulos, Anthony Cleare, Michael Brammer, Eric Fombonne, Katya Rubia. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 3 (March 2009) p 307-316.
Klicka Här Structural and functional MRI- findings in children and adolescents with antisocial behavior. By; Timo D. Vloet, M.D., Kerstin Konrad, Ph.D.,Thomas Huebner, Ph.D., Sabine Herpertz, M.D. and Beate Herpertz-Dahlmann, M.D. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, Volume 26 Issue 1, Pages 99 - 111. (March, 2008) Special Issue: International Perspectives on Brain Imaging and the Law. (Will be added to "Research , Children-2008")
Klicka Här The influence of family structure, the TPH2 G-703T and the 5-HTTLPR serotonergic genes upon affective problems in children aged 10–14 years. By; Maria Nobile, Marianna Rusconi, Monica Bellina, Cecilia Marino, Roberto Giorda, Ombretta Carlet, Laura Vanzin, Massimo Molteni, Marco Battaglia. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 3 (March 2009) p 317-325.
Klicka Här Familial risk analysis of the association between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and psychoactive substance use disorder in female adolescents: a controlled study. By; Joseph Biederman, Carter R. Petty, Michael C. Monuteaux, Eric Mick, Allison Clarke, Kristina Ten Haagen, Stephen V. Faraone. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 3 (March 2009) p 352-358.
Klicka Här Reliability and Construct Validity of the Dutch Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version: Findings From a Sample of Male Adolescents in a Juvenile Justice Treatment Institution. By; Jacqueline Das, Corine de Ruiter, Theo Doreleijers, and Sanne Hillege. Assessment, Vol. 16, No. 1, 88-102. March (2009)
Klicka Här Size matters: Increased grey matter in boys with conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits. By; De Brito SA, Mechelli A, Wilke M, Laurens KR, Jones AP, Barker GJ, Hodgins S, Viding E. Brain, 2009 Mar 17. ***
Klicka Här Genetic Vulnerability to Affective Psychopathology in Childhood: A Combined Voxel-Based Morphometry and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. By; Mechelli A, Tognin S, McGuire PK, Prata D, Sartori G, Fusar-Poli P, De Brito S, Hariri AR, Viding E. Biol Psychiatr., 2009 Mar 10. (Epub ahead of print)
Klicka Här School, Neighborhood, and Family Factors Are Associated With Children's Bullying Involvement: A Nationally Representative Longitudinal Study. By; Bowes L, Arseneault L, Maughan B, Taylor A, Caspi A, Moffitt TE. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2009 Mar 24.
Klicka Här Too much of a good thing: increased grey matter in boys with conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits. By; Blair RJ. Brain. 2009 Mar 17.
Klicka Här Interaction of prenatal exposure to cigarettes and MAOA genotype in pathways to youth antisocial behavior. By; Wakschlag LS, Kistner EO, Pine DS, Biesecker G, Pickett KE, Skol AD, Dukic V, Blair RJ, Leventhal BL, Cox NJ, Burns JL, Kasza KE, Wright RJ, Cook EH Jr. Mol Psychiatry. 2009 Mar 3.
Klicka Här Validation of the Hypomania Checklist (HCL-32) in a nonclinical sample of German adolescents. By; Holtmann M, Pörtner F, Duketis E, Flechtner HH, Angst J, Lehmkuhl G. J Adolesc. 2009 Mar 26. (Epub ahead of print)
Klicka Här Factor structure of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Youth version in German female and male detainees and community adolescents. By; Sevecke, Kathrin; Pukrop, Ralf; Kosson, David S.; Krischer, Maya K. Psychological Assessment. Vol 21(1), Mar 2009, 45-56.
Klicka Här Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Antisocial Process Screening Device With a Clinical Inpatient Population. By; Paul J. Fite, Leilani Greening, Laura Stoppelbein and Gregory A. Fabiano. Assessment, March 2009 vol. 16 no. 1 103-114.
Klicka Här A latent class factor approach to identifying subtypes of juvenile diversion youths based on psychopathic features. By; Wareham J, Dembo R, Poythress NG, Childs K, Schmeidler J. Behav Sci Law. 2009;27(1):71-95.
Klicka Här Reliability and Construct Validity of the Dutch Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version. By; Jacqueline Das, Corine de Ruiter, Theo Doreleijers and Sanne Hillege. Assessment, Vol. 16, No. 1, 88-102 (2009) March.
Klicka Här Interaction of prenatal exposure to cigarettes and MAOA genotype in pathways to youth antisocial behavior. By; Wakschlag LS, et.al. Mol Psychiatry. (March, 2009) Ahead of print.
Klicka Här Intrusive thoughts and psychopathy in a student and incarcerated sample. By; O'Neill ML, Nenzel ME, Caldwell W. J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry. 2009 Mar;40(1):147-57.
Klicka Här Schedule for affective disorders and schizophrenia for school-age children (K-SADS-PL) for the assessment of preschool children – A preliminary psychometric study. By; Boris Birmaher, Mary Ehmann, David A. Axelson, Benjamin I. Goldstein, Kelly Monk, Catherine Kalas, David Kupfer, Mary Kay Gill, Ellen Leibenluft, Jeffrey Bridge, Amanda Guyer, Helen L. Egger, David A. Brent. Journal of Psychiatric Research, Volume 43, Issue 7, April 2009, Pages 680-686.
Klicka Här Sleep problems in childhood predict neuropsychological functioning in adolescence. By; Gregory AM, Caspi A, Moffitt TE, Poulton R. Pediatrics. 2009 Apr;123(4):1171-6.
Klicka Här Research review: A critical review of studies on the developmental trajectories of antisocial behavior in females. By; Nathalie Fontaine, René Carbonneau, Frank Vitaro, Edward D. Barker, Richard E. Tremblay. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 4, Pages 363 - 385. (April 2009)
Klicka Här The contribution of callous-unemotional traits and conduct problems to bullying in early adolescence. By; Viding E, Simmonds E, Petrides KV, Frederickson N. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2009 Apr;50(4):471-81. * * *
Klicka Här Temperament and Vulnerability to Psychopathology: Introduction to the Special Section. By; Patricia Bijttebier and Herbert Roeyers. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 3 / April, 2009, pages, 305-308.
Klicka Här How Are Traits Related to Problem Behavior in Preschoolers? Similarities and Contrasts Between Temperament and Personality. By; Sarah S. W. De Pauw, Ivan Mervielde and Karla G. Van Leeuwen. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 3 / April, 2009 Pages; 309-325.
Klicka Här Brief Report: Interaction between social class and risky decision-making in children with psychopathic tendencies. By; Yu Gao, Laura A. Baker, Adrian Raine, Henry Wu and Serena Bezdjian. Journal of Adolescence, Volume 32, Issue 2, April 2009, Pages 409-414.
Klicka Här ERP Correlates of Effortful Control in Children with Varying Levels of ADHD Symptoms. By; Jan R. Wiersema and Herbert Roeyers. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 3 / April, 2009 Pages; 327-336.
Klicka Här How Do Trait Dimensions Map onto ADHD Symptom Domains? By; Michelle M. Martel, Joel T. Nigg and Alexander von Eye. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 3 / April, 2009 Pages; 337-348.
Klicka Här Temperament and Risk for Depressive Symptoms in Adolescence: Mediation by Rumination and Moderation by Effortful Control. By; Katrien Verstraeten, Michael W. Vasey, Filip Raes and Patricia Bijttebier. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 3 / April, 2009 Pages; 349-361.
Klicka Här Temperament Pathways to Childhood Disruptive Behavior and Adolescent Substance Abuse: Testing a Cascade Model. By; Michelle M Martel, Laura Pierce, Joel T. Nigg, Jennifer M. Jester, Kenneth Adams, Leon I Puttler, Anne Buu, Hiram Fitzgerald and Robert A. Zucker. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 3 / April, 2009 Pages; 363-373.
Klicka Här Predicting attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and oppositional defiant disorder from preschool diagnostic assessments. By; Harvey EA, Youngwirth SD, Thakar DA, Errazuriz PA. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2009 Apr;77(2):349-54.
Klicka Här Developmental Pathways to Conduct Problems: A Further Test of the Childhood and Adolescent-Onset Distinction. By; Danielle M. Dandreaux and Paul J. Frick. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 3 / April, 2009 Pages; 375-385.
Klicka Här Negative Affectivity, Effortful Control, and Attention to Threat-Relevant Stimuli. By; Christopher J. Lonigan and Michael W. Vasey. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 3 / April, 2009 Pages;387-399.
Klicka Här Risk Factors for Learning-Related Behavior Problems at 24 Months of Age: Population-Based EstimatesBy; Paul L. Morgan, George Farkas, Marianne M. Hillemeier and Steven Maczuga. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 3 / April, 2009 Pages; 401-413.
Klicka Här A Quasi-Experimental Analysis of the Association Between Family Income and Offspring Conduct Problems. By; Brian M. D’Onofrio, Jackson A. Goodnight, Carol A. Van Hulle, Joseph Lee Rodgers, Paul J. Rathouz, Irwin D. Waldman and Benjamin B. Lahey. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 3 / April, 2009 Pages; 415-429.
Klicka Här The relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, and psychopathy in adolescent male and female detainees. By; Sevecke K, Kosson DS, Krischer MK. Behav Sci Law. 2009 Apr 22.
Klicka Här Comorbidity of Enuresis in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. By; Ghanizadeh A. J Atten Disord. 2009 Apr 20. (Epub ahead of print)
Klicka Här DHEA and DHEA-S levels in hospitalized adolescents with first-episode schizophrenia and conduct disorder: A comparison study. By; Strous RD, Maayan R, Kaminsky M, Blumensohn R, Weizman A, Spivak B. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2009 Apr 5. (Epub ahead of print)
Klicka Här Decision Making and Executive Function in Male Adolescents with Early-Onset or Adolescence-Onset Conduct Disorder and Control Subjects. By; Fairchild G, Goozen SH, Stollery SJ, Aitken MR, Savage J, Moore SC, Goodyer IM. Biol Psychiatry. 2009 Apr 9. (Epub ahead of print)
Klicka Här Associations of the DRD2 TaqIA polymorphism with impulsivity and substance use: Preliminary results from a clinical sample of adolescents. By; Esposito-Smythers C, Spirito A, Rizzo C, McGeary JE, Knopik VS. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2009 Apr 1.
Klicka Här Differences in frontal lobe function between violent and nonviolent conduct disorder in male adolescents. By; Miura H. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2009 Apr;63(2):161-6.
Klicka Här Development and Etiology of Disruptive and Delinquent Behavior. By; Rolf Loeber, Jeffrey D. Burke, Dustin A. Pardini. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 5:291-310 (April, 2009)
Klicka Här Development and validation of the Child Post-Traumatic Cognitions Inventory (CPTCI) By; Richard Meiser-Stedman, Patrick Smith, Richard Bryant, Karen Salmon, William Yule, Tim Dalgleish, Reginald D.V. Nixon. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 4, Pages 432 - 440. (April 2009)
Klicka Här Prevalence and mental health correlates of witnessed parental and community violence in a national sample of adolescents. By; Heidi M. Zinzow, Kenneth J. Ruggiero, Heidi Resnick, Rochelle Hanson, Daniel Smith, Benjamin Saunders, Dean Kilpatrick. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 4, Pages 441 - 450. (April 2009)
Klicka Här Research review: A critical review of studies on the developmental trajectories of antisocial behavior in females. By; Nathalie Fontaine, René Carbonneau, Frank Vitaro, Edward D. Barker, Richard E. Tremblay. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 4, Pages 363 - 385. (April 2009)
Klicka Här Configurations of common childhood psychosocial risk factors. By; William Copeland, Lilly Shanahan, E. Jane Costello, Adrian Angold. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 4, Pages 451 - 459. (April 2009)
Klicka Här Size matters: Increased grey matter in boys with conduct problems and callous–unemotional traits. Stéphane A. De Brito, Andrea Mechelli, Marko Wilke, Kristin R. Laurens, Alice P. Jones, Gareth J. Barker, Sheilagh Hodgins, and Essi Viding. Brain, April 2009; 132: 843 - 852. * * *
Klicka Här Stalking among juveniles. By; Rosemary Purcell, Bridget Moller, Teresa Flower, and Paul E. Mullen. The British Journal of Psychiatry, May 2009, Volume 194, Issue 5, p. 451-455.
Klicka Här Developmental Links Between Trajectories of Physical Violence, Vandalism, Theft, and Alcohol-Drug Use from Childhood to Adolescence. By; Pol A. C. van Lier, Frank Vitaro, Edward D. Barker, Hans M. Koot and Richard E. Tremblay. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 4 / May, 2009, Pages; 481-492 (Open Access)
Klicka Här Callous-Unemotional Traits Are Related to Combined Deficits in Recognizing Afraid Faces and Body Poses. By; Luna C. Muñoz. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 48, Issue 5, May 2009, Pages 554-562.
Klicka Här Hyperactivity in Boys with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): A Ubiquitous Core Symptom or Manifestation of Working Memory Deficits? By; Mark D. Rapport, Jennifer Bolden, Michael J. Kofler, Dustin E. Sarver, Joseph S. Raiker and R. Matt Alderson. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 4 / May, 2009, Pages; 521-534.
Klicka Här Hyperactivity, Impulsivity, Inattention (HIA) and Conduct Problems among African American Youth: The Roles of Neighborhood and Gender. By; Alecia Zalot, Deborah J. Jones, Carlye Kincaid and Tasia Smith. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 4 / May, 2009, Pages; 535-549.
Klicka Här Heterogeneity in ADHD: Neuropsychological Pathways, Comorbidity and Symptom Domains. By; Cecilia Wåhlstedt, Lisa B. Thorell and Gunilla Bohlin. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 4 / May, 2009, Pages; 551-564.
Klicka Här Adrenocortical Functioning in Boys with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Examining Subtypes of ADHD and Associated Comorbid Conditions. By; Paul D. Hastings, Isabel Fortier, William T. Utendale, Louise R. Simard and Philippe Robaey. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 4 / May, 2009, Pages; 565-578.
Klicka Här Screening for childhood mental health problems: outcomes and early identification. By; Marilyn J. Essex, Helena C. Kraemer, Marcia J. Slattery, Linnea R. Burk, W. Thomas Boyce, Hermi R. Woodward, David J. Kupfer. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 5, Pages 562 - 570. (May 2009)
Klicka Här Learning to 'talk the talk': the relationship of psychopathic traits to deficits in empathy across childhood. By; Mark R. Dadds, David J. Hawes, Aaron D.J. Frost, Shane Vassallo, Paul Bunn, Kirsten Hunter, Sabine Merz. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 5, Pages 599 - 606. (May 2009)
Klicka Här A cluster randomized controlled trial of child-focused psychiatric consultation and a school systems-focused intervention to reduce aggression. By; Peter Fonagy, Stuart W. Twemlow, Eric M. Vernberg, Jennifer Mize Nelson, Edward J. Dill, Todd D. Little, John A. Sargent. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 5, Pages 607 - 616. (May 2009)
Klicka Här Deficits in facial expression recognition in male adolescents with early-onset or adolescence-onset conduct disorder. By; Graeme Fairchild, Stephanie H.M. Van Goozen, Andrew J. Calder, Sarah J. Stollery, Ian M. Goodyer. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 5, Pages 627 - 636. (May 2009)
Klicka Här Psychopathic traits and offender characteristics - a nationwide consecutive sample of homicidal male adolescents. By; Lindberg N, Laajasalo T, Holi M, Putkonen H, Weizmann-Henelius G, Häkkänen-Nyholm H. BMC Psychiatry. 2009 May 6;9:18.
Klicka Här Learning to 'talk the talk: the relationship of psychopathic traits to deficits in empathy across childhood. By; Dadds MR, Hawes DJ, Frost AD, Vassallo S, Bunn P, Hunter K, Merz S. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2009 May;50(5):599-606.
Klicka Här Proactive and Reactive Aggression in a Child Psychiatric Inpatient Population. By; Paula J. Fite, Laura Stoppelbein and Leilani Greening. Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol. 36, No. 5, 481-493 ( May, 2009)
Klicka Här Early tobacco smoking in adolescents with externalizing disorders: Inferences for reward function. By; Will M. Aklin, Eric T. Moolchan, David A. Luckenbaugh and Monique Ernst. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 2009 11(6):750-755 (May)
Klicka Här Associations between psychopathic traits and mental disorders among adolescents with substance use problems. By; Hemphälä, M., & Tengström, A. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2009 May 19.
Klicka Här Self-reported childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms are not specific to the disorder. By; Suhr J, Zimak E, Buelow M, Fox L. Compr Psychiatry. 2009 May-Jun;50(3):269-75.
Klicka Här Shared and disorder-specific prefrontal abnormalities in boys with pure attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder compared to boys with pure CD during interference inhibition and attention allocation. By; Katya Rubia, Rozmin Halari, Anna B. Smith, Majeed Mohammad, Stephen Scott, Michael J. Brammer. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 6, Pages 669-678. (June 2009)
Klicka Här Psychopathic traits, victim distress and aggression in children. By; Yoast van Baardewijk et al. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 6, Pages 718 - 725. (June 2009) Relaterad artikel; Children with Psychopathic traits may have difficulty hearing the victim By; Nestor Lopez-Duran PhD. Klicka Här
Klicka Här Different neurocognitive functions regulating physical aggression and hyperactivity in early childhood. By; Jean R. Séguin, Sophie Parent, Richard E. Tremblay and Philip David Zelazo. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 6, Pages 679 - 687. (June 2009)
Klicka Här The Upside of Being Socially Anxious: Psychopathic Attributes and Social Anxiety are Negatively Associated. By; Hofmann SG, Korte KJ, Suvak MK. J Soc Clin Psychol. 2009 Jun 1;28(6):714-727.
Klicka Här Psychopathic traits, victim distress and aggression in children. By; Yoast van Baardewijk, Hedy Stegge, Brad J. Bushman, Robert Vermeiren. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Volume 50 Issue 6, Pages 718 - 725. (June 2009)
Klicka Här The Youth Psychopathic traits Inventory: Psychometric properties and its relation to substance use and interpersonal style in a Dutch sample of non-referred adolescents. By; Sanne Hillege, Jacqueline Das and Corine de Ruiter. Journal of Adolescence, 2009 Jun 24.
Klicka Här Recidivism in subgroups of severe male juvenile offenders. By; Jeanette Taylor, Therese Skubic Kemper, Bryan R. Loney and Janet A. Kistner. Psychology, Crime & Law, Volume 15, Issue 5 June 2009 , pages 395 - 408.
Klicka Här The prediction of violence in adult offenders: A meta-analytic comparison of instruments and methods of assessment. By; Mary Ann Campbell, Sheila French and Paul Gendreau. Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol. 36, No. 6, 567-590 ( June, 2009)
Klicka Här Heterogeneity in Antisocial Trajectories in Youth of Adult Sexual Aggressors of Women: An Examination of Initiation, Persistence, Escalation, and Aggravation. By; Jesse Cale, Patrick Lussier, and Jean Proulx. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, Jun 2009; vol. 21: pp. 223 - 248.
Klicka Här Oculomotor Anomalies in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Evidence for Deficits in Response Preparation and Inhibition. By; Mark E Mahone et.al. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: July 2009 - Volume 48 - Issue 7 - pp 749-756.
Klicka Här Genetic Risk for Conduct Disorder Symptom Subtypes in an ADHD Sample: Specificity to Aggressive Symptoms. By; C. MONUTEAUX, MICHAEL Sc.D.; BIEDERMAN, JOSEPH M.D.; E. DOYLE, ALYSA Ph.D.; MICK, ERIC Sc.D.; V. FARAONE, STEPHEN Ph.D. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: July 2009 - Volume 48 - Issue 7 - pp 757-764.
Klicka Här Community vs. Clinic-Based Modular Treatment of Children with Early-Onset ODD or CD: A Clinical Trial with 3-Year Follow-Up. By; David J. Kolko, Lorah D. Dorn, Oscar G. Bukstein, Dustin Pardini, Elizabeth A. Holden and Jonathan Hart. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 5, July, 2009 Pages 591-747.
Klicka Här The Role of Harsh Discipline in Explaining Sex Differences in Conduct Disorder: a Study of Opposite-Sex Twin Pairs. By; Madeline H. Meier, Wendy S. Slutske, Andrew C. Heath and Nicholas G. Martin. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 5, July, 2009, Pages 653-664.
Klicka Här Psychopathy and offence severity in sexually aggressive and violent youth. By; Fougere A, Potter S, Boutilier. J.Crim Behav Ment Health. 2009 Jul 28.
Klicka Här Psychopathy in adolescence predicts official reports of offending in adulthood. By; Lynam, D. R., Miller, D. J., Vachon, D., Loeber, R., & Stouthamer-Loeber, M. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, Vol. 7, No. 3, 189-207 (2009) July
Klicka Här Social and emotional detachment: A cross-cultural comparison of the non-disruptive behavioural psychopathic traits in children. By; Eirini Manti, Evert M. Scholte, Ina A. Van Berckelaer-Onnes, Jan D. Van Der Ploeg. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, Volume 19 Issue 3, Pages 178 - 192. (July)
Klicka Här Age-related differences in grey matter of children with high function autism and Asperger's syndrome. By; GM McAlonan, V Cheung, NK Wong, C Cheung, SE Chua. NeuroImage, Volume 47, Supplement 1, July 2009, Page S45.
Klicka Här Children with different subtypes of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) recruit distinct neural networks during a task of executive function. By; RM Schwerdtfeger, N Alahyane, B Coe, PW Stroman, DP Munoz. NeuroImage, Volume 47, Supplement 1, July 2009, Page S47.
Klicka Här Blood Lead Levels in Early Childhood Predict Adulthood Psychopathy. By; John Paul Wright, Danielle Boisvert, and Jamie Vaske. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, Jul 2009; vol. 7: pp. 208 - 222. (What about siblings???)
Klicka Här Mapping attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) from childhood to adolescence – no neurophysiological evidence for a developmental lag of attention but some for inhibition. By; D Brandeis, M Doehnert, K Imhof, R Drechsler, HC Steinhausen. NeuroImage, Volume 47, Supplement 1, July 2009, Page S47.
Klicka Här Caudate volumetric and shape changes in ADHD. By; MA Mehta, KH Fraser, LA Wherity, P Asherson, B Toone, RL O'Gorman. NeuroImage, Volume 47, Supplement 1, July 2009, Page S47.
Klicka Här Functional dysconnectivity of frontal and sensorimotor cortex in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. By; H. Kang, B-N. Kim, Y-K. Yim, J.S. Oh, E. Kang, J.S. Lee, S-C. Cho, D.S. Lee. NeuroImage, Volume 47, Supplement 1, July 2009, Page S48.
Klicka Här Longitudinal Relations of Children's Effortful Control, Impulsivity, and Negative Emotionality to Their Externalizing, Internalizing, and Co-Occurring Behavior Problems. By; Nancy Eisenberg, Carlos Valiente, Tracy L. Spinrad, Amanda Cumberland, Jeffrey Liew, Mark Reiser, Qing Zhou, Sandra H. Losoya. Developmental Psychology, Volume 45, Issue 4, July 2009, Pages 988-1008.
Klicka Här Neighborhoods and genes and everything in between: understanding adolescent aggression in social and biological contexts. By; Daniel Hart and Naomi R. Marmorstein. Development and Psychopathology (2009), 21:961-973.
Klicka Här Adolescent attachment and trajectories of hostile-impulsive behavior: implications for the development of personality disorders. By; Kobak R, Zajac K, Smith C. Dev Psychopathol. 2009 Summer;21(3):839-51.
Klicka Här Triarchic conceptualization of psychopathy: developmental origins of disinhibition, boldness, and meanness. By; Patrick CJ, Fowles DC, Krueger RF. Dev Psychopathol. 2009 Summer;21(3):913-38.
Klicka Här Sleep Problems and Disorders among Adolescents with Persistent and Subthreshold Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders. By; Susan Shur-Fen Gau, Huey-Ling Chiang. Sleep, 2009;32(5):671-679. (May)
Klicka Här Blood Lead Levels in Early Childhood Predict Adulthood Psychopathy. By; John Paul Wright, Danielle Boisvert and Jamie Vaske. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, Vol. 7, No. 3, 208-222. July, 2009.
Klicka Här Cortisol, callous-unemotional traits, and pathways to antisocial behavior. By; Hawes, David J; Brennan, John; Dadds, Mark R. Current Opinion in Psychiatry: July 2009 - Volume 22 - Issue 4 - p 357-362.
Klicka Här Child and Adolescent Psychopathy: Like a Painting by Monet. By; Randall T. Salekin, Jill Rosenbaum, Zina Lee and Whitney S. Lester. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 2009;7:239. (July 2009)
Klicka Här Continuity of aggressive antisocial behavior from childhood to adulthood: The question of phenotype definition. By; Hofvander B, Ossowski D, Lundström S, Anckarsäter H. Int J Law Psychiatry. 2009 Jul-Aug;32(4):224-34.
Klicka Här The relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, and psychopathy in adolescent male and female detainees. By; Kathrin Sevecke, David S. Kosson, Maya K. Krischer. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, Volume 27 Issue 4, Pages 577 - 598. (July/August 2009)
Klicka Här Homo ferox: The contribution of functional brain studies to understanding the neural bases of aggressive and criminal behavior. By; Pietrini, P., & Bambini,V. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Volume 32, Issue 4, July-August 2009, Pages 259-265.
Klicka Här The Youth Psychopathic Trait Inventory: factor structure and antisocial behaviour in non-referred 12–17-year-olds. By; Frédéric Declercq, Samuel Markey, Katleen Vandist and Paul Verhaeghe. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, Volume 20, Issue 4 August 2009 , pages 577 - 594.
Klicka Här Comorbid Problems in ADHD: Degree of Association, Shared Endophenotypes, and Formation of Distinct Subtypes. Implications for a Future DSM. By; Nanda N. J. Rommelse, Marieke E. Altink, Ellen A. Fliers, Neilson C. Martin, Cathelijne J. M. Buschgens, Catharina A. Hartman, Jan K. Buitelaar, Stephen V. Faraone, Joseph A. Sergeant and Jaap Oosterlaan. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 6 / August, 2009 p.793-804.
Klicka Här Associations of Lifetime Depression with Trauma Exposure, Other Environmental Adversities, and Impairment in Adolescents with ADHD. By; W. Burleson Daviss, Rasim S. Diler and Boris Birmaher. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 6 / August, 2009 p. 857-871.
Klicka Här The Youth Psychopathic Trait Inventory: factor structure and antisocial behaviour in non-referred 12–17-year-olds. By; Frédéric Declercq; Samuel Markey; Katleen Vandist; Paul Verhaeghe. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, Volume 20, Issue 4 August 2009 , pages 577 - 594.
Klicka Här Resting heart rate and the development of antisocial behavior from age 9 to 14: genetic and environmental influences. By; Baker LA, Tuvblad C, Reynolds C, Zheng M, Lozano DI, Raine A. Development and Psychopathology, Volume 21, Special Issue 03, August 2009, pp 939-960.
Klicka Här Neighborhoods and genes and everything in between: Understanding adolescent aggression in social and biological contexts. By; Daniel Hart and Naomi R. Marmorstein. Development and Psychopathology, Volume 21, Special Issue 03, August 2009, pp 961-973.
Klicka Här Types and continua in developmental psychopathology: Problem behaviors in school and their relationship to later antisocial behavior. By; Lars R. Bergman, Henrik Andershed and Anna-Karin Andershed. Development and Psychopathology, Volume 21, Special Issue 03, August 2009, pp 975-992.
Klicka Här Adolescent attachment and trajectories of hostile–impulsive behavior: Implications for the development of personality disorders. By; Roger Kobak, Kristyn Zajac and Clare Smith. Development and Psychopathology, Volume 21, Special Issue 03, August 2009, pp 839-851.
Klicka Här Trait displaced aggression and psychopathy differentially moderate the effects of acute alcohol intoxication and rumination on triggered displaced aggression. By; Thomas F. Denson, Amanda J. White and Wayne A. Warburton. Journal of Research in Personality, Volume 43, Issue 4, August 2009, Pages 673-681.
Klicka Här Reactivity and distortions in the self: narcissism, types of aggression, and the functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis during early adolescence. By; Bukowski WM, Schwartzman A, Santo J, Bagwell C, Adams R. Dev Psychopathol. 2009 Fall;21(4):1249-62.
Klicka Här Characteristics of psychopathy in adolescent nonsmokers and smokers: Relations to delay discounting and self reported impulsivity. By; Melanko, Shane; Leraas, Kristen; Collins, Christine; Fields, Sherecce; Reynolds, Brady. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. Vol 17(4), Aug 2009, 258-265.
Klicka Här Characteristics of Psychopathy in Adolescent Nonsmokers and Smokers: Relations to Delay Discounting and Self Reported Impulsivity. By; Shane Melanko, Kristen Leraas, Christine Collins, Sherecce Fields, Brady Reynolds. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, Volume 17, Issue 4, August 2009, Pages 258-265.
Klicka Här Phthalates Exposure and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in School-Age Children. By; Bung-Nyun Kim et.al. Biological Psychiatry, Article in Press, Corrected Proof (Sep.19, 2009) Relaterad; Danger: Dust- Will REACH protect the public from the pbdes, Phthalates and Nonylphenols currently found in Dust and Rainwater in the Czech Republic?(pdf) Här (Phthalate - grupp kemikalier som används för att mjuka upp och göra plast flexibel
Klicka Här The stability of psychopathy across adolescence. By; Lynam DR, Charnigo R, Moffitt TE, Raine A, Loeber R, Stouthamer-Loeber M. Dev Psychopathol. 2009 Fall;21(4):1133-53.
Klicka Här Children's Context Inappropriate Anger and Salivary Cortisol. By; Robin L. Locke, Richard J. Davidson, Ned H. Kalin, H. Hill Goldsmith. Developmental Psychology, Volume 45, Issue 5, September 2009, Pages 1284-1297.
Klicka Här Short-term stability of psychopathic traits in adolescent offenders. By; Lee Z, Klaver JR, Hart SD, Moretti MM, Douglas KS. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2009 Sep;38(5):595-605.
Klicka Här The heritability of P300 amplitude in 18-year-olds is robust to adolescent alcohol use. By; Greg Perlman, Wendy Johnson and William G. Iacono. Psychophysiology, Volume 46 Issue 5, Pages 962 - 969. (September2009)
Klicka Här Psychopathic personality in adolescence: Genetic and environmental overlap with externalizing and internalizing problems. By; Forsman M, Lichtenstein P, Andershed H, Larsson H. (September 2009) Även, Här ***
Klicka Här Reduced electrodermal fear conditioning from ages 3 to 8 years is associated with aggressive behavior at age 8 years. By; Gao Y, Raine A, Venables PH, Dawson ME, Mednick SA. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2009 Sep 28 *
Klicka Här Female youth who sexually coerce: prevalence, risk, and protective factors in two national high school surveys. By; Kjellgren C, Priebe G, Svedin CG, Mossige S, Långström N. J Sex Med 2009,Sep 15
Klicka Här Parent management training for reducing oppositional and aggressive behavior in preschoolers. By; Erica S. Pearl. Aggression and Violent Behavior, Volume 14, Issue 5, September-October 2009, Pages 295-305.
Klicka Här Parent management training for reducing oppositional and aggressive behavior in preschoolers. By; Erica S. Pearl. Aggression and Violent Behavior, Volume 14, Issue 5, Pages 295-305 (September-October 2009)
Klicka Här Examining psychopathic tendencies in adolescence from the perspective of personality theory. By; Naomi Sadeh, Edelyn Verona, Shabnam Javdani, Lacy Olson. Aggressive Behavior, Volume 35 Issue 5, Pages 399 - 407. (September/October 2009)
Klicka Här Assessing the Affective Features of Psychopathy in Adolescence: A Further Validation of the Inventory of Callous and Unemotional Traits. By; Roose A, Bijttebier P, Claes L, Decoene S, Frick PJ. Assessment. 2009 Oct 1.
Klicka Här Mapping Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder from Childhood to Adolescence—No Neurophysiologic Evidence for a Developmental Lag of Attention but Some for Inhibition. By; Mirko Doehnert, Daniel Brandeis, Katrin Imhof, Renate Drechsler, Hans-Christoph Steinhausen. Biological Psychiatry, In Press Corrected Proof , Available online 07 October 2009.
Klicka Här Long-term consequences of childhood ADHD on criminal activities. By; Jason Fletcher and Barbara Wolfe, Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, Vol. 12, 2009, 119-38.
Klicka Här Asperger syndrome in adolescent and young adult males: Interview, self- and parent assessment of social, emotional, and cognitive problems. By; Mats Cederlund, Bibbi Hagberg, Christopher Gillberg. Research in Developmental Disabilities, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 31 October 2009.
Klicka Här A General Biosocial Paradigm of Antisocial Behavior. By: Michael G. Vaughn, Kevin M. Beaver and Matt DeLisi. Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, Vol. 7, No. 4, 279-298 (2009) October
Klicka Här Childhood Predictors of Desistance and Level of Persistence in Offending in Early Onset Offenders. By; L. van Domburgh, R. Loeber, D. Bezemer, R. Stallings and M. Stouthamer-Loeber. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 7 / October, 2009. Pages 967-980.
Klicka Här Priming Sentence Production in Adolescents and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyper-Activity Disorder. By; Paul E. Engelhardt, Fernanda Ferreira and Joel T. Nigg. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Volume 37, Number 7 / October, 2009, Pages 995-1006.
Klicka Här Sexual sadism, psychopathy, and recidivism in juvenile sexual murderers. By; Wade C. Myers, Heng Choon (Oliver) Chan, Eleanor Justen Vo and Emily Lazarou. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, Volume 7 Issue 1, Pages 49 - 58. Oct 2009.
Klicka Här The associations of adolescent invulnerability and narcissism with problem behaviors. By; C.F. Barry, Jessica Pickard and Lisa l. Ansrl. Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 47, Issue 6, October 2009, Pages 577–582.
Klicka Här Contributions of psychopathic, narcissistic, Machiavellian, and sadistic personality traits to juvenile delinquency. By; Henri Chabrol, Nikki Van Leeuwen, Rachel Rodgers, Natalène Séjourné. Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 47, Issue 7, Pages 734-739 (November 2009)
Klicka Här Validity and stability of the youth psychopathic traits inventory in a nonforensic sample of young adults. By; Campbell MA, Doucette NL, French S. J Pers Assess. 2009 Nov;91(6):584-92.
Klicka Här Psychopathic Traits in Youth: Is There Evidence for Primary and Secondary Subtypes? By; Lee Z, Salekin RT, Iselin AM. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2009 Nov 26.
Klicka Här Developmental origins of early antisocial behavior. By; Susan D. Calkins and Susan P. Keane
Development and Psychopathology, Volume 21, Special Issue 04, November 2009, pp 1095-1109. pdf.
Klicka Här Antisocial behavior from a developmental psychopathology perspective. By; Paul J. Frick and Essi Viding. Development and Psychopathology, Volume 21, Special Issue 04, November 2009, pp 1111-1131.
Klicka Här The stability of psychopathy across adolescence. By; Donald R. Lynam, Richard Charnigo, Terrie E. Moffitt, Adrian Raine, Rolf Loeber and Magda Stouthamer-Loeber. Development and Psychopathology, Volume 21, Special Issue 04, November 2009, pp 1133-1153.
Klicka Här Disrupted Effective Connectivity Between the Medial Frontal Cortex and the Caudate in Adolescent Boys With Externalizing Behavior Disorders. By; Katherine E. Shannon, Colin Sauder, Theodore P. Beauchaine, and Lisa M. Gatzke-Kopp. Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol. 36, No. 11, 1141-1157 (November, 2009)
Klicka Här All in the Family: Gene x Environment Interaction Between DRD2 and Criminal Father Is Associated With Five Antisocial Phenotypes. By; Matt DeLisi, Kevin M. Beaver, Michael G. Vaughn, and John Paul Wright. Criminal Justice and Behavior, November 2009, Volume 36, No. 11 pages;1187-1197.
Klicka Här Negative parental discipline, conduct problems and callous–unemotional traits: monozygotic twin differences study. By; Essi Viding, PhD, Nathalie M. G. Fontaine, PhD, Bonamy R. Oliver, PhD and Robert Plomin, PhD. The British Journal of Psychiatry, November 2009, Volume 195, Issue 5, 414-419.
Klicka Här Genetic and environmental stability differs in reactive and proactive aggression. By; Catherine Tuvblad, Adrian Raine, Mo Zheng, Laura A. Bake. Aggressive Behavior, Volume 35, Issue 6, Date: November/December 2009, Pages: 437-452.
Klicka Här Alcohol use and patterns of delinquent behaviour in male and female adolescents. By; Jenny M. Eklund and Britt af Klinteberg. Alcohol and Alcoholism, Volume 44, Number 6 Pp. 607-614. November-December 2009, Psycho-Social Aspects Supplement.
Klicka Här Relative contributions of acculturation and psychopathological factors to cannabis use among adolescents from migrant parents. By; Henri Chabrol et.al. Addictive Behaviors, Volume 34, Issue 12, December 2009, Pages 1023-1028. Se även; Borderline personality organization and psychopathic traits in nonclinical adolescents: Relationships of identity diffusion, primitive defense mechanisms and reality testing with callousness and impulsivity traits. (Chabrol, 2006) Här
Klicka Här Artikel: Psychopath junior (December 07, 2009)
Klicka Här Neurobiological aspects of reactive and proactive violence in antisocial personality disorder and "psychopathy" By; Roth G, Strüber D. Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr. 2009;58(8):587-609. Review. German.
Klicka Här Extending the construct of psychopathy to youth: implications for understanding, diagnosing, and treating antisocial children and adolescents. By; Frick PJ. Can J Psychiatry. 2009 Dec;54(12):803-12.
Klicka Här Validation of FFM PD counts for screening personality pathology and psychopathy in adolescence. By; Decuyper M, De Clercq B, De Bolle M, De Fruyt F. J Pers Disord. 2009 Dec;23(6):587-605.
Klicka Här A multimethod assessment of juvenile psychopathy: comparing the predictive utility of the PCL:YV, YPI, and NEO PRI. Cauffman E, Kimonis ER, Dmitrieva J, Monahan KC. Psychol Assess. 2009 Dec;21(4):528-42.
Klicka Här Psychopathy trait scores in adolescents with childhood ADHD: the contribution of genotypes affecting MAOA, 5HTT and COMT activity. By; Fowler T, Langley K, Rice F, van den Bree MB, Ross K, Wilkinson LS, Owen MJ, O'Donovan MC, Thapar A. Psychiatr Genet. 2009 Dec;19(6):312-9.
Klicka Här Genetic variation in neuregulin1 is associated with differences in prefrontal engagement in children. By; Andrea Mechelli, Essi Viding, William Pettersson-Yeo, Stefania Tognin and Philip K. McGuire. Human Brain Mapping, Volume 30 Issue 12, Pages 3934 - 3943. (December 2009)
Klicka Här Emotional deficits in adult ADHD patients: an ERP study. By; Martin J. Herrmann, Theresa Schreppel, Stefanie C. Biehl, Christian Jacob, Monika Heine, Andrea Boreatti-Hümmer, Andreas Mühlberger, and Andreas J. Fallgatter. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci., 4(4): 340-345. December 2009.
Klicka Här Serotonin shapes risky decision making in monkeys. By; Arwen B. Long, Cynthia M. Kuhn, and Michael L. Platt. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci., 4(4): 346-356. December 2009.
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